Sunday 30 March 2014

About Cold

What is a cold?

A cold is a contagious viral disease that infects the soft lining (mucous membrane) of the nose.
There are more than 100 different viruses that can result in a cold. The characteristic symptom is a runny nose.
Usually, it's a mild condition, with recovery taking place within about a week. But sometimes the same symptoms can be more serious – like influenza.
It's most common during the cold winter months and affects children and adults of all ages. Most people will catch a cold two to four times a year.

How do we catch a cold?

A person's contagious from the day before the illness breaks out, until one to three days after they feel better. The infection is spread by airborne droplets, when the sufferer coughs or sneezes.
It can also be spread by hand, if someone has the virus on their hands and then puts them close to their eyes or nose. This is possibly the most common way of catching a cold.

What are the symptoms of a cold?

sore throat.

There may be pain on swallowing.


The nose begins to run, with a water-like secretion that gradually becomes thicker and more yellow.

As the mucous membrane of the nose swells, it may be hard to breathe through the nose.

An aching feeling in the ears.



A feeling of being unwell.

A high temperature. Children are more likely to run a temperature than adults.

What can you do to avoid catching a cold?

If possible, stay away from people with colds.

Avoid crowded places, where the risk of infection is greater.

Do not touch your nose or eyes after being in physical contact with somebody that has a cold.

Wash your hands thoroughly, especially after blowing your nose.

Keep rooms well aired.

How does the doctor make a diagnosis?

Consultations with a doctor are unnecessary, unless the cold is severe.


Usually a common cold causes no serious trouble, and symptoms will clear up in one to two weeks.
Possible complications include inflammation of the eyes, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear, tonsillitis, and pneumonia.
The reason for these complications may be that a bacterium infects the irritated mucous membrane.

How do you treat a cold ?

1.There's no effective way of treating an ordinary cold to make it go away quicker. If the sufferer has no other diseases than the common cold, and it goes away in one to two weeks, there's no reason to see a doctor. Since a cold is caused by a virus, antibiotics are not appropriate.

2.Make sure you drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, ideally water – this is especially important for children. Many symptoms can also be soothed by warm drinks.

3.Sleep with the head on a high pillow.

4.There's no need to reduce daily activities. But you should expect to become tired more easily. Children with a cold should be allowed to get plenty of rest.

5.Avoid smoking. It irritates the mucous membrane of the nose further.

6.A blocked nose and chesty cough can be eased by using steam inhalations, which help to loosen mucus. Sit with your head over a bowl of hot water, place a towel over your head, close your eyes and breathe deeply to inhale the steam. This isn't recommended for children because of the risk of scalding.

7.Symptoms such as cough, sore throat, nasal congestion and headache can be relieved by a variety of over-the-counter medicinesNasal decongestants may ease breathing. You can get advice from a pharmacist about which are most suitable for you and your symptoms.

8.Coughs and colds in children will usually go away on their own in a few days. Over-the-counter cough and cold remedies are no longer recommended for children under six years of age because there's no evidence that they work – and they can potentially cause side-effects, such as allergic reactions, effects on sleep or hallucinations. If your child seems uncomfortable or has a fever, you can give them paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve pain and lower their temperature. If they have a cough, you can give them a simple soothing cough syrup containing glycerol, honey or lemon. For children over six years of age, other medicines are available from pharmacies – ask your pharmacist for advice. Any medicine should be administered carefully using the spoon or measuring device supplied to ensure the maximum dose is not exceeded.

9.For young babies who are having difficulty feeding due to a stuffy nose, saline nasal drops, available from pharmacies, can be helpful to thin and clear nasal secretions. Vapour rubs and inhalant decongestants, which can be applied to a child’s clothing, can also be used to provide relief from a stuffy nose. You should never apply these directly underneath or inside the child's nose.

10.You should avoid using more than one cough and cold medicine at the same time, particularly when treating children's symptoms. Different medicines may contain the same active ingredient(s), and using more than one may lead to you exceeding the maximum recommended dose(s). Ask your pharmacist for more advice.

11.Throw away paper tissues after use to prevent the spread of infection.

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